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paymoney: Where to Advertise Online

Selasa, 03 Februari 2009

Where to Advertise Online

When it comes time to market your business, you might be feeling a little uncertain about where exactly you should advertise. So many people wonder where to advertise online, and if one place is better than another. Some will tell you that as long as you're advertising, it doesn't matter how or where. However, the how and the where are THE most important part of your advertising. There are four types of marketing that are most popular for online advertising: PPC, SEO, link building, and banner advertising. These types of marketing all deserve a space in your marketing plan, but what you do with each one will vary greatly.

With PPC campaigns, it's best to use the more popular search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Ask. This way, you won't be spending money on an ad campaign that no one is going to see. Making the most of knowing where to advertise online and making sure that your visibility is good is crucial. Otherwise, the money spent is wasted. When it comes to SEO, that's merely a tool that you can employ on your own website to get better rankings in the search engines, so the "where" factor isn't as relevant.

With link building, where to advertise online is easily one of the more important considerations. If you don't put your links on the right sites, they won't really help your ratings at all. For example, if you take a few hours to slap your link on any and every forum, directory, and related page you can find, you won't get nearly as good of a result as if you take the time to find only strong pages that are relevant to put your link on. A search engine rates your links based on the quality of them, not the quantity, so less really is more, and it's all about where you put them. With any kind of online advertising, it's imperative that you inter-link and network with relevant sites. Putting an ad for car insurance on a children's cartoon site isn't going to be productive to your business at all, for example.

So as you can see, the "where" of online advertising is very important to your marketing success. Now that you've got a few tips, you might be better prepared to embark on the task of online advertising. As with any marketing plan, make sure you know how to track the results.

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